Sustainable Investing for a Healthier Future

MoZaïC Sustainable Healthcare Fund

A SFDR article 9 and ISR labelled fund with core and returns dedicated to diversified
Pan-European Healthcare Real Estate

MSHF is a Sustainable Healthcare Investment Fund that is committed to innovative and responsible projects that improve global health and support a sustainable future.

Our mission

Changing demographics are creating medical, economic and social challenges with severe environmental implications that are stressing the bounds of supporting infrastructure. We are rapidly becoming older, sicker, and maintain less support. We desperately require development of better facilities with a proactive approach to care.

The MoZaïC Sustainable Healthcare Fund shall seek to make a positive impact through creating a Pan-European portfolio of future-oriented Healthcare Real Estate assets that service the sick and elderly at all levels of dependence by creating new, redeveloping and acquiring better sustainable healthcare facilities in relevant locations, with a high quality of care and community integration.

MSHF is a real-estate fund entirely dedicated to sustainable investment. It develops innovative investment solutions for institutional investors, aimed at accelerating the transformation of the economy towards a sustainable model.

No significant harm to the sustainable investment objective

MoZaiC Sustainable Healthcare Fund (MSHF) has developed an internal data-driven framework to baseline the sustainability performance of its infrastructure investments across healthcare sector and different geographies.
The Management Company ensures that all of the Company's investments contribute to the above objectives without significantly undermining any of the other sustainable, environmental and social objectives defined by Article 2 (17) of the SFDR Regulation by conducting an overall sustainability assessment of each asset.

Our Partners

SFDRArticle 9 +
Green Taxonomy Compliant
17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Committed to furthering theUnited Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Good Health and Well Being
Focus on improving the Health and dignified life's of the increasing elderly population
Focus on shifting and/or changing resource use of existing facilities andcreating new facilities towards cleaner energy
Focus on creating and
enhancing inclusive and
sustainable urbanization
capacity for the
changing demography
Innovative Infrastructure
Focus on retro fitting older health care
facilities to exceed current industry standards

Sustainable Investment
objective of the financial product

The Fund will invest primarily in selected European jurisdictions, with a focus on Healthcare Real Estate in the Target Countries, that as a primary objective will deliver a positive social and environmental impact in the local community.

Our stakeholders as part
of the decision process

As the fund's investment strategy does not involve the acquisition of equity stakes in companies, there is no policy to assess good governance practices.
However, the company have a credible mechanism in place for stakeholder consultation.
The management company endeavours to define a policy of engagement with key stakeholders in the operation of the assets to ensure contribution to the achievement of the sustainable investment objectives.
- Includes a complaints mechanism that is accessible to host country workers and community members
- Invits the stakeholder input in its decision-making: the management company has defined a stakeholder engagement policy and engagement actions have been defined and implemented for each key stakeholder.
The management company has identified its "key" stakeholders, i.e. those that are both directly concerned and have an impact on achieving the fund's sustainable investment objective.

Our commitments
and investment strategy

The Fund’s mission is centred around the creation, renewal and acquisition of sustainable healthcare and senior living real estate across Europe that caters to all levels of dependency and provides an impact in its community.
MoZaiC Asset Management works as Investment Advisor for the Fund with the supervision of Lemanik Asset Management.


Criterias in our evaluation grid for the ESG performance of buildings with a focus on Quality and Care

40 %

Our objective to reduce Operational Carbon Intensity  calculated at the portfolio level during ownership

100 %

Green Building Certification of the assets above the level "Very Good" of the BREEAM Assessment

60 %

Affordable housing for elderly in need in a specific catchment area calculated on portfolio level

100 %

The ratio of the assets where Green Spaces are protected and Biodiversity is promoted

May 2023

Proportion of Investments

As part of our additional commitments to our investors that are complimentary to the SFDR article 9 criterion, MSHF has developed an internal assessment to identify assets that contribute positively through their services or practices to environmental themes.
This approach defines quantitative and qualitative criteria to assess contribution of a company to the themes and includes a broader scope of themes than those currently identified by the EU Taxonomy.

Monitoring of sustainable
investment objective

The monitoring systematically includes review of the relevant residual environmental and social risks originating from companies’ activities and practices and asset's quality and allows to measure the efficiency to mitigate these risks.This measurement will be carried out and updated annually with reference to the framework for defining sustainable economic activities and the "do no significant harm"(DNSH) principle.
Reports and Policies reviewed on a yearly basis covering the commitments shared with all the stakeholders with the roadmap of the year following are accessible.
Private Space

Methodologies used to measure the attainment of the objective

The attainment of the sustainable investment objective of the financial product is measured by 4 sustainability indicators

SFDR Sustainability indicators

The average EPC level for the entire portfolio
The fund level energy  consumption (e.g. kWhPE/m² or kWhFE/m²) for all fluids, all uses, common and private areas
The share of non-vegetated surface area compared to the total surface area of the plots of all assets
The rate of environmental certification BREEAM very good

Data Sources, Processing and Limitations

Assessments are mainly based on internal review of documents published by tenants and on direct exchanges with them.

MSHF also relies on various sources of information (Rating agencies e.g GRESB, Experts, OID, sell-side analysts, news databases, etc.).

In-house (primarily qualitative) analysis is conducted by members of the Sustainability  team.

Sustainability indicators

Data sources


How data are processed

Proportion of data estimated

The average EPC level for the entire portfolio
        Certificate of Energy                Performance
Approve Energy Performance Certificate rating or equivalent
Appropriate  Energy Assessor
No estimated data
The fund level energy  consumption (e.g. kWhPE/m² or kWhFE/m²) for all fluids, all uses, common and private areas
Bills / Meters
Reduce energy
consumption at
portfolio level

Monitor Energy consumption : Kwhep/m2     
     Estimated ratio of data            reported annually
The share of non-vegetated surface area compared to the total surface area of the plots of all assets
Visit, technical document or google map
Maintain it between
80% and 120%    

Evaluate the non vegetated area rate
No estimated data
The rate of environmental certification BREEAM
BREEAM certificate
Obtain the level
"Very Good"
for all assets

Certification by the BRE
No estimated data

Due Diligence

To begin this process, the Sustainability team gathers information on the company’s business model, processes and CSR practices and may engage in direct discussion with the company representatives in order to identify the most significant sustainability issues a company is facing, both from a positive angle (potential to generate positive impact) and a negative angle (risk of obstructing the achievement of the ISRs involvements). During the investment stage, each asset is evaluated according to the benchmark defined by the Management Company for the investment.

This assessment results in an action plan, the budget of which is taken into account for the investment decision. 100% of investments are evaluated according to this benchmark during due diligence.
Illustration of the type of program within MoZaiC Asset Management

Engagement policies

The management company has defined a stakeholder engagement policy and engagement actions have been defined and implemented for each key stakeholder.

The management company has identified its "key" stakeholders, i.e. those that are both directly concerned and have an impact on achieving the fund's sustainable investment objective.

Is engagement part of the sustainable investment objective?

If so, what are the engagement policies? (Including any management procedures applicable to sustainability-related controversies in invested companies)

The management company has established a specific engagement strategy for each typeof stakeholder, including associated issues and specific means of engagement. Engagement activity forms an integral part of MSHF’s responsible investment approach.

MSHF’s engagement strategy seeks to improve assets and tenant’s practices from an environmental, social, and governance point of view.
As a result, one of the core functions of the Sustainability team is engagement, both on individual and collaborative levels:

Individual engagement

In which MSHF’s ESG analysts interact one-on-one with the tenant to encourage improvement in their sustainability practices. This purpose of this type of engagement is not only to promote better ESG practices, but also to encourage the development of solutions for the major environmental and social challenges associated with Real Estate sector.

Collaborative engagement

MSHF joins with other investors and representatives of civil society to identify controversial practices, encourage greater transparency and demand, where necessary, that companies change their practices.MSHF also engage to share its vision of sustainable investment to improve standards and regulations across the financial sector and to foster sustainable investment. It is committed to promoting regulations, including legislative changes, standards (GRESB) or labels (ISR), and practices that support sustainable improvements and create long-term value.

The document has been prepared by Lemanik Asset Management S.A. and is not intended for distribution in any jurisdiction or country where distribution would be illegal. The information contained ion this website is intended for institutional investors. The value of an investment portfolio and the income from it may fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future.
This document should be read in conjunction with its prospectus. Please refer to the prospectus of the fund available on June in 2023 before making any final investment decisions. A summary of investors rights is included in the prospectus and is available in English in this website in the private space.
The manager or management company may decide to terminate the arrangements made for the marketing of its collective investment undertakings in accordance with Article 93a of Directive 2009/65/EC and Article 32a of Directive 2011/61/EU.


Ekaterina QUENELLE
(VP Investements)
(Fund Manager)
(VP Finance)
( VP ESG )

Contact us

Complaints & Claims

MSHF puts in place a process allowing investors questions and complaints with its complaints management service
to be investigated fairly and mitigated

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